WiFi Connection Manager
WiFi Connection Manage application helps you to connect automatically to open WiFi networks.
Application Connect on/off fills the identification form with your id and submit the form as soon as your device connects to a configured Wi-Fi network.
Wifi Easy Connect is the best Wi-Fi scanner, manager and Connector on android.
Find, connect and manage WiFi networks. Improve connection quality with a graphical channel radar.
- Change WiFi password.
- Display signal level, signal strength, channel and frequency.
- Display WiFi signal on graph.
- Fast WiFi or AP Scanner.
- Find for nearest AP by WiFi signal or Name.
- Material design and modern looking icons
- Turn on/off WiFi if you want to reset your WiFi device.
- Search WiFi SSID name.
- Sort WiFi by name or level.
- Check Internet Speed Test.
- Wifi Graph.