Cálculo de encadeamento/estação e deslocamento em tempo real de alinhamentos rodoviários e ferroviários
Alignment Viewer Pro contains all the features and tools from our base Alignment Viewer app, along with new added features and enhancements of existing ones.
- Support for chainage equations
- Improved formatting of chainage/station & offset
- Improved support for Feet, US Survey Feet and Imperial measurements overall
- Detailed cross sections (View point level, offset, grade and line name)
- Support for local transformation shifts
- KML polygon support (supports viewing polygon name on the tapping of the polygon)
- Directional North arrow on photo watermark
- Additional fields to pins
- Added support for tagging images with values (works with our Picture Mapper Pro software)
- Improved file structure and image location structure.
- General bug fixes from our base version.