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Obter o APK da versão antiga de Weather ACE Tasker plugin para Android
ACE Tempo plugin do Tasker
You could get all the weather data directly from Weather ACE (without the plugin) by using Weather ACE API. Please check
THE APPLICATION REQUIRED "Weather ACE" version 1.7.2+ and "Tasker" apps installed!
Please make sure that your "Weather ACE" application has version 1.7.2 or later! You could check it in the "Weather ACE" application via Menu->Help->Help Index->About the application. Some features require WeatherACE 1.8.0+
Feel free to mail me in case of any problems with the plugin.
The Tasker plugin allows you to get current conditions, today's weather and weather information about several next days from "Weather ACE" application. It also allows to update weather data (limited number per day) and provide condition that fire after weather data update. The plugin use free Weather ACE API for to get all the information.
A location(s) for weather forecast should be defined in "Weather ACE" application first!
The plugin support both way to set Tasker variables:
- use Action part with non zero Timeout and right after that you can use weather variables provided by the plugin.
- use Action part with zero Timeout for to send request to Weather ACE and then use Condition for to get the weather variables from plugin.
The plugin provides such variables:
%weatherace_error_desc - \"OK\" or error description
%weatherace_place_name - location name
%weatherace_place_lon - location longitude
%weatherace_place_lat - location latitude
%weatherace_type - current/daily/hourly
%weatherace_datetime - Unix date related to the weather (start of the day for daily weather)
%weatherace_updated - Unix date then the weather data was updated last time
%weatherace_weather_desc - weather description, same language as in the Weather ACE settings
%weatherace_weather_id - weather icon code
%weatherace_temp - average temperature, same unit of measure as in the Weather ACE settings
%weatherace_temp_min - minimal temperature, same unit of measure as in the Weather ACE settings
%weatherace_temp_max - maximal temperature, equal to %weatherace_temp_min in case of current/hourly %weatherace_type
%weatherace_dewpoint_min - minimal dewpoint, same unit of measure as in the Weather ACE settings
%weatherace_dewpoint_max - maximal dewpoint, equal to %weatherace_dewpoint_min in case of current/hourly %weatherace_type
%weatherace_pressure - barometer. "NA" if not set.
%weatherace_humidity - humidity. "NA" if not set.
%weatherace_windspeed - wind speed
%weatherace_windspeed_gusts - wind gusts
%weatherace_wind_direction - wind direction, same format as in the Weather ACE settings. "NA" if not set or no wind.
%weatherace_sunrise - sunrise, unix time
%weatherace_sunset - sunset, unix time
%weatherace_pop - probability of precipitation, "0" means no data
%weatherace_precipitation - precipitation value, same unit of measure as in the Weather ACE settings
%weatherace_cloudiness - cloudiness percent. "NA" if not set.
%weatherace_feelslike - average feels-like temperature, same unit of measure as in the Weather ACE settings. "-300" means not set.
%weatherace_feelslike_min - minimal feels-like temperature, same unit of measure as in the Weather ACE settings. "-300" means not set.
%weatherace_feelslike_max - maximal feels-like temperature, equal to %weatherace_feelslike_min in case of current/hourly %weatherace_type. "-300" means not set.
%weatherace_visibility - visibility, same unit of measure as in the Weather ACE settings. "NA" if not set.
%weatherace_uvi - UV index, "-1" means no data.
There are some limits for weather update action:
- no more then 50 update requests per day for current conditions;
- no more then 25 update requests per day for all (current+daily+hourly) weather update;
- interval between requests should be 5 seconds or more.
The application completely free to use.
Last updated on Oct 30, 2015
- Added such weather info: feels-like, feels-like min, feel-like max, visibility, UV index.
- Added deault values for all variables. Default values will be returned in case of variable is not set.
Enviado por
Eyad Tamer
Requer Android
Android 2.2+
Weather ACE Tasker plugin
Oct 30, 2015