Chicago Transit Tracker Pro

null by jsdf, LLC
Mar 22, 2024

About Chicago Transit Tracker Pro

The fastest way to track your key CTA buses and trains in one place.

Chicago Transit Tracker is the fastest way to see when multiple buses or trains are coming. You can create and track an unlimited number of routes, and see your closest route based on your location. View CTA system maps, and follow CTA alerts, quickly and easily.

Used by more riders than any other transit app in Chicago.


-No ads!

-Train Tracker. We bring you official Train Tracker information, right to your Android phone

-Save (export) and load (import) backups. Great for when you need to reinstall.

-Add and organize multiple 'L' and Bus routes in My Routes

-Closest Routes lookup based on your location

-Map predicted buses on your route with a single click

-Smooth flashing indicators to alert you of changes

-Group and reorder your list of routes

-Alarms to tell you when to walk out the door

-CTA Alerts

-Filter by name when creating route

-System maps

-Report crashes to us to improve your experiences down the road

Why Pro vs. Lite?

-No ads on Pro

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Latest Version

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