下载 APKPure App
佛颂大全收录了许多能让人心静的佛歌佛经。有了这个APP, 大家可以在外出的时候听听佛歌,让心静下来。
- 高质量的佛歌佛经
- 有无网络亦可播放
- 音乐播放器可让你轻易控制佛歌
- 音乐会自动播放下一首歌, 可选择单曲循环
- 退出APP仍可播放歌曲
- 用户界面简单明了
- 最重要的是APP是免费的! !
- High-quality Buddha songs and chants that can be played both online and offline
- Adjustable music slider to change the music timing
- Media player to easily control the songs. Includes play, pause and jump to the next or previous song or chants
- Automatically plays the next song with the option to loop the current song
- Clean and simple user interface that is easy to use
- Listen to your favourite songs in the background
- Absolutely FREE!!
1. 大悲咒
2. 药师咒
3. 往生咒
4. 药师佛心咒
5. 弥勒菩萨心咒
6. 地藏王菩萨心咒
7. 毗卢遮那佛咒
8. 劝世佛歌
9. 三宝歌
10. 忏悔歌
11. 空空歌
12. 三世因果歌
13. 醒世歌
14. 弥勒救苦真经
15. 般若波罗蜜多心经
16. 结缘
17. 嗡嘛呢叭咪吽
18. 佛陀牵着我的手
19. 荷花妙喻
20. 觉醒
- This is an unofficial app created by a team of developers who enjoy listening to Buddha songs and wish to share the peaceful and relaxing chants with others
- This app is not an officially authorised app by the creator of the various Buddha songs
- The creator of this app fully acknowledged that the chants and songs in this app belong to their respective creators
- This app is not affiliated with the creator of the chants and songs
- All the songs and chants in the app were aggregated from publicly available online sources (e.g. YouTube)
For any concerns regarding the songs, please contact us via our email in the app and we will act accordingly.