CIMA E1组织管理修订软件CIMA E1(2021教学大纲)。
Revision Software for CIMA E1 Exam ( 2021 Syllabus)
Over 400+ unique questions covering Multiple Choice, True/False and Missing Item format. Correct answers provided for each test.
CIMA E1 Covers:
1. Introduction to organisations. [CIMA]
2. Managing the finance function. [CIMA]
3. Managing technology and information. [CIMA]
4. Operations management. [CIMA]
5. Marketing. [CIMA]
6. Managing human capital. [CIMA]
Module Topics Included in Software:
Corporate Governance
Employment Processes and Appraisal
HR and HRM Theories
Information Systems and Big Data
Inventory Management
Managing Quality
Marketing Activities
Marketing Environment and Strategy
Marketing Types
Systems Implementation
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UK Established since 2007 in the accountancy market.
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