超过 5,000 个带有答案键的计算机基础知识/计算机基础 MCQ。
超过 5000 道计算机基础多项选择题 - 带有答案的 MCQ,分为 40 章。
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5) 全套已解决的 5000 道计算机基础/计算机基础多项选择题 - 用于 FPSC/PPSC/NTS/讲师测试/考试的 MCQ
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Last updated on 2024年05月09日
Complete set of 95,000 Computer Basics/Computer Fundamentals Multiple Choice Questions - MCQs with Answer Keys for NTS/FPSC/PPSC/CSS/Lecturer and other aptitude and competitive entrance & jobs tests/exams.
Basic Computer Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, PMS, GAT, NAT, PTS and all other exams. Basic computer mcqs will cover knowledge of computers, hardware, software, commonly used terms,
basic function of important components of a PC, knowledge of MS Office, internet, e-mail.