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Dimension is a free and addictive game with beautiful art and music.
It has unique gameplay containing slicer and ball with various game modes.
Truly brain teaser and super fun!
How to play? It’s easy.
All you have to do is placing the slicer to cut and shrink the board.
You need to be strategic with quick decision to cut the board properly!
Game is over if you touch the ball before your cut is completed.
Need help? Please contact:
• contact@xlsoft.co.kr
home page
• https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=XLsoft
Facebook page
• https://www.facebook.com/XLsoft-Corp-162281857446669/
App Permissions
[Required Permissions]
- none
[Optional Permissions]
- Photo / Media / File: required storage access permission to save game data
[Permission setting and withdrawal method]
- Android 6.0+: Device Settings> Application Management> Select App> Revoke Access
- Under Android 6.0: Can revoke access by deleting application