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Android 平台,最佳的大悲咒学习 App。
Go to the end of this part if you need English Translation.
你可以在上面的图形处,找到 ”快速入门” 和 ”使用说明” 的影音檔(网址https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch8SJlEJhsI&feature=youtu.be)。
林光明教授说:「84句 415 字这个版本的大悲咒,是华人世界最普通的咒语,让大家持诵最多而且用途最广、灵验事迹最多的咒语」。
简单读大悲咒(non-Chinese system, please search " The Great Compassion Mantra"),本 App 特点(共 13 点)
1. 文字以最适合在屏幕上阅读的横式显示,而非直立式显示。
2. 可自由切换简体中文或繁体中文。
3. 繁中有注音符号或汉语拚音,简中有汉语拚音,读者不会读错音。
4. 有原文和白话解释,读者能明白大悲咒在说什么?
5. 可同时播放大悲咒音乐,有三种曲目可以选择。
6. 适用于手机和平板。手机、平板直立或横放均可,但以横放效果较佳。
7. 系统最低要求:Android 3.2,4 吋屏幕,分辨率 800x480。
8. 可用蓝芽立体声耳机上的控制键,控制音乐的播放、暂停。
9. 在播放音乐时,方便读者同时读经,屏幕不会进入休眠状态。
10. 可自行指定要播放的音乐档案。(目前允许 mp3 或 wave 檔)
11. 可将本 App 移至 SD 卡。
12. 可用滑动效果来换页。
13. 播放的音乐取自 www.buda.idv.tw,若有版权问题,请来信告知,我会立即停止提供音乐。若造成您的损失,也请您见谅。
注:本 App 含有广告。上面的捉图是广告消失后的屏幕捉图。(为了不干扰使用者阅读,广告栏在情况符合时,是可以消失不见的。)
注:你可以从 Youtube 影片中取得音乐:利用浏览器进入 www.youtube.com (会被引导到 m.youtube.com,不要使用 Youtube App),找到你想要的影片后,长按此影片所对应的图片,出现弹出画面,选择“复制链接地址"。再利用浏览器进入 www.youtube-mp3.org,先清除旧的影片网址,再长按要输入影片网址的地方,点选之后出现的“粘贴"文字;再按下“Convert Video"按钮。然后下载转换后的档案。
注:下载后的档案,通常放在 /storage/emulated/legacy/Download 目录。
This App is only for people who know Chinese characters since the whole UI is in Chinese.
Frequently reading the Great Compassion Mantra, Your sin will be forgived, and you will get more happiness.
If you need English guidance, please see the above screen shots labeled as "English Guidance".
You can also get the user manual video file above (or website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch8SJlEJhsI&feature=youtu.be).
EasyReading the Great Compassion Mantra (中文系統,請找尋 "簡單讀大悲咒" 或 "简单读大悲咒")
This App has the following features (total 13)
1. Chinese characters are shown horizontally, not vertically, which is more suitable for reading on display.
2. You can toggle to display traditional Chinese characters or simplified Chinese characters.
3. T-Chinese characters and S-Chinese characters both have its corresponding PinYin system that let you know how to read.
4. Explanations to let you know what the Great Compassion Mantra is telling you.
5. You can play music file while reading, 3 song types, song 1, song 2, song 3.
6. This App can be used in mobile phones and tablets, landscape and portrait placement, but better result for portrait placement.
7. Minimum requirement: Android 3.2., 4 inches display, resolution 800x480.
8. You can use Bluetooth headsets to control this App to play/pause music.
9. When playing music, the screen will be always on for your reading.
10. You can assign your favorite music file to play.
11. You can move this App to external SD card.
12. You can use slide to switch pages.
13. The music files are from www.buda.idv.tw, if there is some copyright issues, please info me, I will remove it, and please accept my apology.
Note: This App has Ads, the above screen shots are captures after the Ads disappear.
Note: You can extract music from Youtube video: Use browser to go to www.youtube.com (re-directed to m.youtube.com, don’t use Youtube App), find the video you want, long press the corresponding photo, a popup will appear, choose “Copy link address”. Again use browser to go to www.youtube-mp3.org, clear the website address of old video file, long press where you want to input the website address of video file, choose “Paste” that will appear later, then press “Convert video” button. Then download the file after conversion.
Note: In general, the download file is saved to the /storage/emulated/legacy/Download folder.
Last updated on 2016年12月20日
1. Minor modification on the content.
1.22 by Easy Learning SOHO