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可在安卓获取古典音乐 常识 - Classical Music的历史版本
常识 - 古典音乐 竞猜 : 猜猜这些乐曲背后的作曲家是谁 (莫扎特 , 里姆斯基 , 贝多芬 ...) 基本知识. Mozart Beethoven ...
立即下载 Quiz Mus Classical Music,您可能在影片或商业广告中听到过一些 古典音乐 ,猜猜这些乐曲背后的作曲家是谁 (莫扎特 , 里姆斯基 , 贝多芬 ...) 。🎵
Quiz Mus是探索古典乐之美或与心爱之人分享的最佳方式。用户通过Quiz Mus可:
***** 尽享6个等级的音乐竞猜游戏,欣赏30首 古典音乐 采样,每首2分钟。竞猜规则很简单;只需仔细倾听每首采样,然后猜测背后的作曲家是谁。
***** 常识 ,边玩边学:每位作曲家和每首音乐采样都附有简短介绍说明。例如:莫扎特 在6岁时就面对观众举行了自己的第一次演奏会,亦或是,舒伯特在31岁去世后留下了1000多首曲子,这些您都知道吗?
***** 尽享30手机铃声。
***** 邀请亲朋好友玩这款音乐竞猜游戏,挑战他们,一决高低。
***** 再次倾听采样音乐,通过专用屏幕记忆和辨识音乐。
***** 随时随地播放音乐采样;播放无需联网,联网即可挑战Facebook、WhatsApp或Twitter上的朋友。
这款 古典音乐 竞猜游戏适于所有年龄段,内容精湛,品质优良。您可通过本应用辨识若干古典乐杰作的作曲家 : 莫扎特, 柴可夫斯基,斯特劳斯, 德沃夏克, 里姆斯基, ...
Quiz Mus不只是一款音乐竞猜游戏,它还是一款定会赢得亲朋好友青睐的 常识 学习工具。
Quiz Mus的前8个问题可免费访问。若您喜欢本应用的设计理念,可通过一次性应用内购买解锁所有功能。立即试试我们的音乐竞猜游戏吧!
Quiz Mus,让 古典音乐 成为时尚的音乐竞猜游戏。
提高您的一常识!享受最好的手机铃声 : 贝多芬, 莫扎特 ...
下载最佳 古典音乐 竞猜游戏 和手机铃声。
Culture should be for All! Enjoy this Educational & Learning Games and have fun 🎵
QuizMus is the best way to test and expand general knowledge of classical music (Mozart, Beethoven, Webber, Wagner, Strauss, Verdi, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Schubert,Haydn, Vivaldi, Chopin, Brahms, ...).
QuizMus allows you to :
*****Enjoy learning games about the Greatest Classical Masterpieces of All Time in 6 levels and 30 classical samples of 2 minutes each. It’s easy ; just listen and guess who composed the sample.
*****Test and Improve general knowledge while having fun : A short description is provided for each composer and sample. For example, did you know that Mozart gave his first performance in front of an audience at 6? Or that Schubert left behind over 1000 pieces after his death at the age of 31?
*****Enjoy 30 classical ringtones : stand out of the crowd with an original ringtone you’ll be able to tell the story of. A simple click will make a ringtone of your favorite sample.
*****Challenge your friends by inviting them to play classical music learning games and test their general knowledge.
*****Listen to the samples again via a dedicated screen to memorize and recognize them.
*****Play the music samples anytime and anywhere and Guess Who ; no need to be connected to the Internet to play, you’ll only need a connection if you want to send messages on Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter.
This app is one of the educational games that are suitable for all ages. It offers quality content and will allow you to recognise the composers of several classical masterpieces.
More than a musical quiz, QuizMus is a Learning Game about classical music composers and masterpieces.
You can access the first 8 questions of our learning game for free. And if you like the concept, you can unlock all the features via a single in-app purchase. Try our learning game now !
Learning Games make classical music modern. Don’t wait any longer and download QuizMus now!
Terms & conditions and privacy agreement: http://www.quizmus.fr
Using the messaging feature via the “Challenge your friends” screen may incur data transfer or texting fees in accordance with the contract you signed with your provider.
Guess who are the composers behind the pieces of classical music everyone should know, and test your general knowledge!
This music Quiz provides informations about 30 classical music composers and masterpieces.
Composers : Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Vivaldi, Schubert, Beethoven, Chopin, Bach, Webber, Brahms, Strauss, Haydn ...
Masterpieces : Hungarian dance no. 5 of Brahms, The Four Seasons of Vivaldi, Mozart's Symphony No. 40, Beethoven's Symphony No. 5, Swan Lake ...
Last updated on 2020年01月26日
You will have better performances with this new release.
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古典音乐 常识 - Classical Music
1.0.18205 by IEFGroupe