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The International Family Medicine Conference & Exhibition (IFM) was conceptualized in 2013 to contribute towards the betterment of health by enhancing the Family Medicine concepts inclusive of health promotions, prevention and curative programs as well as promoting equity in health accessibility to the medical services and delivery of health programs efficiently and effectively to the community.
IFM aims to be the meeting point for education, knowledge transfer, networking through its conference, workshops and exhibition. Through our intensive marketing activities, we expect visitors, including General Practitioners, Public Health Administrators, Community Health Medics, Preventive Medics, Nurses, Social Workers, Educators, Alternative Medicine, Scientists, Marketing Professionals, Researchers, Paramedical Professionals, Drug Developers & Manufacturers, Distributors & Academia, to gather together.
Last updated on 2022年08月13日
Introducing you to the app and its key features.
My Agenda – Add sessions, events, and personal schedule items to your customized schedule and get notification reminders.
Speakers – Get speaker bios with photos and links to their meeting sessions.
Sessions – Locate and add sessions, review abstracts,
Push Notifications – Allows event management to send notifications at any time to the app users.
Social Media – Easily connect to social media sites.
IFM 2021
1.1.87 by INDEX Conferences & Exhibitions Org. Est.