Learn Punjabi Quickly provides a quick and easy translation in text as well as in voice from English to Punjabi.
It provides translations for almost 400 phrases across 13 categories - Calendar/Time, Emergency, Food, Greetings, Language, Numbers, Shopping, Travel, Work/Office, Fruits, Vegetables, Spices and Colours.
If you wish to learn to speak in Punjabi, then look no more. Learn Punjabi Quickly is a quick and handy tool - a tourist dictionary for those visiting India as well as for those who wish to talk in Punjabi.
Features :
* Free version is also fully functional
* Carefully translated list of most frequently used phrases
* High quality text as well as audio translation by native Punjabi speaker in a crisp and clear voice
* Separate translation for phrases spoken by males and females wherever different
* Powerful search that allows users to search within a category as well as across all categories