下载 APKPure App
让你的新年歌曲列不再乏味, 增添一些近几年在市场上流行的新年歌曲。这些歌曲保留了新年歌曲惯有的欢乐曲调,同时也增添了一些新曲风,让你听了会觉得焕然一新。
- 高质量,欢乐,耳熟能详的最新新年歌曲
- 有无网络亦可播放
- 歌词包括在内,可边看边唱
- 音乐播放器可让你轻易控制歌曲
- 音乐会自动播放下一首歌, 可选择单曲循环
- 退出APP仍可播放歌曲
- 用户界面简单明了
- 最重要的是APP是免费的!!
- High-quality new Chinese New Year songs that can be played both online and offline
- Chinese lyrics included for you to sing along
- Adjustable music slider to change the music timing
- Media player to easily control the songs. Includes play, pause and jump to the next or previous song
- Automatically plays the next song with the option to loop the current song
- Listen to your favourite songs in the background
- Clean and simple user interface that is easy to use
- Absolutely FREE!! No in-app purchases needed
- This is an unofficial app created by a team of developers who loves these new Chinese New Year songs, for fellow folks who also love these new Chinese New Year songs
- This app is not an officially authorised app by the personnel that own these songs
- The creator of this app fully acknowledged that the music in this app belongs to the respective personnel that owns them
- This app is not affiliated with the respective personnel that owns the music
- All the songs in the app were aggregated from publicly available online sources (e.g. YouTube)
For any concerns regarding the songs, please contact us via our email in the app and we will act accordingly.
Last updated on 2024年04月02日
Optimised and improved the app performance based on user feedback.
2.0 by Gizmo Studio