Mobilníaplikace pronávštěvníkyklubu。 Novéfunkce a vzhled。
Snadnásprávačlenstvívčetněplateb。 Jednoducháarychláregistraceskupinovýchlekcív klubech Form Factory。配偶dalšíchfunkcí。
轻松的会员管理,包括付款。快速舒适地注册到Form Factory健身俱乐部小组课程。还有很多。
Last updated on 2024年09月05日
Thank you for your feedback, and we have prepared an updated version of the application:
Activity Section -> We have brought back the list of your attended classes! View all your classes (where you were marked as present).
Upcoming Bookings -> You will now see the date, day, and club where the class will take place.
Profile -> You now have the option to delete your profile picture.
Speed Improvements -> The application should now load faster on all devices.