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MyRent makes renting easier for you – be it searching for or listing rental property. With just a simple tap, find places around you to rent, customised according to your requirements!
Refine your search by location, keywords, budget, public transport availability and more. Get in touch with the landlord instantly without leaving the app!
myRent is the easiest and the most immersive way to find rental properties in Malaysia.
Key Features
Instant Search: Search via map, current location, keywords and more. Further refine your search based on distance from LRT, gender-specific availability, and budget.
Easy Listing*: Extremely optimised user interface makes listing places for rent as easy as 1-2-3.
Interactive Map: Specify radius within which you’re looking for a room interactively within a map.
Instant Messaging: Get in-touch with landlords and tenants from within the app without exposing any private details!
Detailed View: Get extensive detail about the property you wish to rent: location on map, utilities, essentials, rental, nearest LRT stations and much more.
We’d love to hear your feedback – drop us a line at myrent@binarize.me
* MyRent currently only supports listings in Malaysia