加入我们,每天在您的手机上玩现场测验 - 在黄金时段,您可以加入并回答问题!
要赢钱,您只需正确回答所有问题 - 加入完全免费!一旦你回答错误,你就会被淘汰出局,但你在下一轮已经有机会了。
Primetime 非常容易上手,既有趣又有教育意义。
每天像数以万计的其他玩家一样 - 现在就开始玩吧,这样您就不会错过今天的回合!
Last updated on 2025年02月07日
Thank you for playing Primetime! We are working hard to continuously improve the app through updates and adjustments – the best thing is to set the app to automatic updates. Don't forget to try the rocket, the quiz you can play whenever you want! In this update, we've fixed bugs and updated our terms and conditions.