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搜索伊利诺伊州中部和南部的 SHARE 共享图书馆目录!
搜索伊利诺伊州中部和南部的 SHARE 共享图书馆目录。浏览新书、更新您的项目、搜索数字内容并找到离您最近的图书馆,所有这些都在 SHARE 应用程序上。您当地的图书馆触手可及!Last updated on 2024年09月30日
Introducing our new updated version that includes many new features, including:
Brand new User Interface.
General Usability Improvements – accessibility enhancements, improved library site display, improved title displays, item copies by distance display, account summary alerts on home screen, priority ordering in account display.
Reading and Wish Lists.
Right to Left language support.
Mobile Library2024.25 by Solus UK Ltd