Hier kann vier klassische Spiele auf der Grundlage der Arcade-Versionen von dem 1970-1980 Spiel.
Lets kick back and play four faithfully recreated classic games based on the arcade versions, from the late 1970's into the 1980's the era where it all began.
Space Invaders
is a 1980's classic where by you control a laser cannon "The Player", you can move the cannon horizontally
across the bottom edge of the screen, firing at the aliens above you there are 5 rows of eleven to irradicate, the aliens move horizontally also but once
they hit a edge the decend lower, just to make matter worse they speed up as you annihilate them. are you up for the challenge.
Missile Command
You the player "the commander" have been gifed 6 shiny new cities to defend, against an attacking hord of ballistic missles, smart bombs, planes and satellies which fly across the screen
luckly you have at your disposal three anti-missile batteries, be warned that the enemey will make all the effort to annihilate you cities and the battires you use to protect them, be well commander.
You control a spaceship "The trianglular object" in an asteroid field, if that was no enough and to make matter a little worse some flying saurcers are thrown in for good measure, your job is to blast the hell
out of everything that moves, to aide you in this quest you have at your disposal a hyperspace, laser and thrust buttons.
Based on the concept from other games but without the baddies involved, you are a snake that has the munchies, the object is to munch though as many pills as you can, and finish the wave
before the time runs out "End Game", this sounds easy until you find out that once you eat a pill your body starts to extend, don't run into your body or you lose a life.