Rezensionen: 61 Bewertung: 8.2
Würfeln, Angreifen & Münzen holen - Würfelkönig werden, magisches Reich bauen!
Habe gestern 25,99 Euro ausgegeben, um an eine "neue" Karte ranzukommen...Nichts irgendeine Karte....mir fehlt noch eine Karte um mein Album zu vervollstöndigen...das nimmt mir den Spass weiterzuspielen...war meine letzte Geldausgabe...
I only played this game so i could get robux
This game irritates the heck out of me. I'm constantly having to uninstall and reinstall it because it won't load and boots me out. I don't even get past the superplay screen and if I do happen to get lucky it'll load and freeze on a loading page. However it is totally addictive and I have persisted through the inconvenience of always having to uninstall it because I've put a lot of hours into and When it does run smoothly I do enjoy playing it.
Leider kann ich keine Videos gucken
@Bl4ze H