Digital Signature,Signature Creator

1.0.0 por Brave Bird

Sobre Digital Signature,Signature Creator

E Sign es una aplicación para crear firmas con diferentes estilos.

Signature Creator represents an intuitive signature platform that allows you to create your own create signature on Android phone.

Some people are doing multiple signatures at multiple places. So user can add multiple signatures using this application and go for forever.

You can create your creative signature with 90+ autograph styles and with 400+ colors and with x-small to x-large font size.


Multiple color pickers for text and background.

Support handwriting drawing signature.

Choose your favorite font signature style fonts.

You can also choose the custom image.

Choose pen size for manual signature.

Fancy and stylish signature maker fonts.

Best signature design and autographer.

Simple and Functional Signature creator.

You can save signature in your phone or SD card.

You can share your sign or image on each and every social media..

All Signatures should be digital for this digital world . That's why we introduce digital signature : e-signature app , a digital signature software and digital signature solution . digital signature app can also be called an electronic signature software and e-signature software. Simply add signature and electronic signature with email signature app and best known as name signature and it will do the rest . This is the excellent signature maker and signature creator app and very easy in many situation such as digital sign , name signature , email signature , esignature and very handy in document signature .

Digital signature software and digital signature app such as digital signature solution electronic signature software and e-signature software is very easy to use as to add sign as digital sign and for digital signature for business

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Presentado por

Hla Aye


Android 5.1+


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