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Economics Quiz Mobile App in Hindi
इस ऐप में हमने Economics (अर्थशास्त्र) से सम्बंधित सभी प्रकार के मुख्य प्रश्नों का समावेश किया है। इसमें सभी प्रकार के परीक्षोपयोगी तथ्य है जो आपको न सिर्फ शैक्षणिक परीक्षाओं बल्कि प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में भी मददगार साबित होंगे। आशा है यह एप्प आपको पसंद आएगा।
Objective type Economics Questions are optional for all competitive examinations. Quizzes are made by us to improve General knowledge. We are going to provide a series of Quiz GK apps for General Science, Current GK, Reasoning, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Economics and almost all important subjects for UPSC, SSC, and State PSC Examinations. We are committed to create quality apps for GK.
Some of the most important categories covered under the Indian Economy tests are:
- Advanced Micro Economics
- Alternative Distribution Theories
- Markets Structure
- Modern Welfare Criteria
- Advanced Macro Economics
- Approaches to Employment Income
- Interest Rate determination
- Money - Banking and Finance
- Demand for and Supply of Money
- Public Finance and its Role in Market Economy
- International Economics
- International Trade
- Comparative Advantage
- Terms of Trade and Offer Curve
- Product Cycle and Strategic Trade Theories.
- Forms of Protection
- Tariff and quota
- Balance of Payments Adjustments
- Theories of Policy Mix
- Exchange rate adjustments under capital mobility
- Currency Boards.
- Trade Policy and Developing Countries
- Speculativeattacks
- Trade Blocks and Monetary Unions.
- Growth and Development
- Theories of growth
- Lewis model of development with surplus labour
- Balanced and Unbalanced growth
- Human Capital and Economic Growth
- Research and Development and Economic Growth
- Process of Economic Development
- Role of Agriculture in EconomicDevelopment
- Economic development and International Trade
- Planning and Economic Development
- changing role of Markets and Planning
- Welfare indicators and measures of growth
- The basic needsapproach
- Development and Environmental Sustainability
- Renewable and Non Renewable Resources
- Intergenerational equity development
- Indian Economy in PreIndependence Era
- Land System and its changes
- Commercialization ofagriculture
- Manufacture and Transport
- Indian Economy after Independence
- The Pre Liberalization Era
- Land Reforms and land tenure system
- Green Revolution
- capital formation inagriculture
- Industry Trends in composition and growth
- Role of public and private sector
- Small scale and cottageindustries
- National and Per capita income
- Broad factors determining National Income
- New Economic Reform and Agriculture
- Agriculture and WTO
- New Economic Policy and Trade
- Intellectual property rights
- New Economic Policy and Public Finance
Questions on Fundamentals of Indian Economy and Planning, Banking and Finance, Fiscal System, Banking and Capital Market, Industries Infrastructure and Foreign Trade, Natural Resources, Currency and Inflation, Poverty Unemployment and Human Development
Economics Quiz by Suren Apps has over 500 questions about economic theory, principals, and history. It is a great trivia game for students, teachers and anyone who wants some brain stimulation.
Central Govt : IAS/UPSC
Andhra Pradesh (APSPSC), Arunachal Pradesh (APPSC), Assam (APSC), Bihar (BPSC), Kerala (KPSC), Goa (GOAPSC), Gujarat (GPSC), Himachal Pradesh (HPPSC), Jammu & Kashmir (JKPSC), Jharkand (JPSC), Karnataka (KPSC), Kerala (KPSC), Madhya Pradesh (MPPSC), Maharashtra (MPSC), Orissa (OPSC), Punjab (PPSC), Rajasthan (RPSC), Telangana (TPSC), Tripura (TPSC), Uttaranchal (UPSC), Tamilnadu (TNPSC), Uttar Pradesh (UPPSC), Uttarakhand (UKPSC), West Bengal (PSCWB, WBPSC)
Also, if you are in major B.A (Economics), B.Com (Commerce) or M.A (Economics), M.Com (Commerce) you could refresh your knowledge with this app.
Surendra Tetarwal
Suren Apps
Sikar (Raj) India
Last updated on 09/06/2019
Economics (अर्थशास्त्र) से सम्बंधित सभी प्रकार के मुख्य प्रश्नों का समावेश
Presentado por
Syed Zain
Android 4.0.3+
Economics Quiz
अर्थशास्त्र प्रश्नोत्तर हिंदी में9.2 by Suren Tech Lab