The story of the Prophet's Companions set Best Islamic and Inspiring Stories
Companions of the Prophet as those who knew the Prophet Muhammad , trusted his teachings, and died in a state of Islam.
In his book Al-Isbahah fi Tamyiz ash-Shahabah, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (d. 852 H / 1449 AD) said that:
"Friends (صحابي, ash-shahabi) are people who have met the Prophet in a state of faith in him and died in a state of Islam.
In the Book of Muqadimmah by Ibn ash-Shalah (d. 643 H / 1245 M), the words of the Companions of Anas bin Malik are narrated:
It was said to Anas, "You are the best friend of the Prophet and the last one who is still alive."
According to Al-Hakim an-Naisaburi in his work Al-Mustadrak, the level of Friends is divided into twelve levels , namely:
1. The Khulafa'ur Rashidin and the rest of the Ten Promised Heaven while still alive
2. The Companions of the Prophet who converted to Islam in Mecca before Umar and attended the assembly of Daarul Arqam
3. The Companions of the Prophet who participated in emigrating to the land of Habashah
4. The Friends of the Prophet Ansar who participated in the First Bai'at Aqabah
5. The Companions of the Prophet of the Ansar who participated in the Second Bai'at of Aqabah
6. Companions of the Prophet Muhajirin who emigrated before the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina from Quba
7. The Companions of the Prophet who participated in the War of Badr
8. The Friends of the Prophet who emigrated between the Battle of Badr and the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah
9. The Companions of the Prophet who participated in Bai'at Ridhwan during the Hudaibiyyah expedition
10. The Companions of the Prophet who converted to Islam and emigrated to Medina after the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah
11. The Companions of the Prophet who converted to Islam after Fathu Makkah
Collection of Acts of the Best of Friends of the Prophet and Islamic Stories Full of Inspiration summarized as a model of self
+ Updet Version
+ Application development
+ Addition of material to increase knowledge and knowledge including:
+ Islamic prayers
+ Amalan Sunnah Rasul
+ Apostle's heritage
+ Collection of Tausiyah
+ Collection of Islamic Books
+ A collection of Islamic stories
+ The story of 25 Prophets and Apostles
+ The story of the Prophet Muhammad
+ The story of Prophet Khidr
+ The story of Rosul's wife
+ The story of Friends of the Apostles
+ The story of Sheikh Abdul Qadir
+ The Story of the Waliullah
+ The story of the Angel of God
+ Story of Life Motivation
+ The story of Islamic Advice
+ The story of Islamic Wisdom
+ Story of Heaven and Hell
+ Mystery of the Grave of Nature
+ The story of 4 Friends of the Apostles
+ The story of Tabiin
+ The Story of Ulama
+ Salahuddin al-Ayyubi
Hopefully this application can be useful
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