A mobile JavaScript IDE for device control, automation, accessibility, workflow.
Auto.js is a JavaScript mobile IDE to write code anywhere, anytime to free your hands and easily complete daily automated workflow tasks.
It provides lots of APIs to control your device and listen device events, and no need for root access. You can automate your device like Tasker but with JavaScript.
For example, listening the event of screen unlock, schedule a task which sends a http request of weather after 5 minutes,
post the result with notification. Show a interface to input a message, send it to all your friends on any social sites, reply automatically.
And do all above with JavaScript.
* Easy to use automation API, professional & powerful selector API, providing the search and operation for UI widgets and nodes on the screen
* Powerful JavaScript Editor, which supports code completion, code formatting, debugging, find-and-replace, theming. You also can simply use it as a JavaScript IDE
* Write your custom UI using xml with all Android built-in UI widgets
* Package your code to a portable application (apk file) with custom package name, app name and signature
* Support using Root permission to provide more powerful screen tapping, swiping, recording functions and running shell commands. Recording can generate js files or binary files, the playback of recorded actions is more smooth
* Provides functions to capture screen, save screenshot, find some images and colors on screen and click them
* Can be used as Tasker plugin, you can set up a JavaScript file to execute when some events happen
* Third-party plugin support, such as FFmpeg, OCR. And you can import Java/Android classes, load jar or dex files as libraries in JavaScript to enjoy Java and Android.
* Other modules support: base64, console, crypto, dialogs, floaty, http, images, media, keys, power-manager, project, sensor, settings, storage, database, timed-task, zip
* Documentation: https://g.pro.autojs.org/docs
For full feature introduction, please visit https://g.pro.autojs.org