AVV.mobil is the timetable of the Augsburg Transport Association.
AVV.mobil the timetable information of the Augsburg Transport Association is for your
Smartphone. With AVV.mobil you the departure times, stops and
Connections of all public transport in the network area of Augsburg
Transport and Tariff Association queries. New in this version is the integrated ticket shop where single tickets, stripe and day tickets are available for the AVV network area as online ticket available.
AVV.mobil at a glance:
- Departures: query the next departures around your location or from one place
Your choice
- Rides: entering start and destination address to query matching connections
- Ticket Shop: online purchase of individual travel tickets, strip and day tickets of the composite area directly to your smartphone
- Map: Display the planned route or the route network plans
- Disorders: Display of current disturbances in the territory of the GCU
- Favorites: marking of stops as favorites