The best selection of bhajan music for free
Discover one of the best compilations of the most beautiful and beautiful songs of bhajan music
The chanting of bhayan is closely related to bhakti (devotion to God). Bhayan songs are deeply rooted in the Hindu tradition. The bhayan are usually songs in lyrical language, in which emotions of love for a divinity are expressed, both by a god or goddess in particular and by various divinities. Many bhayan describe different names and aspects for a deity, especially in the case of the Hindu sahasranamas ('thousand names'), with a list of 1008 names of divinities.
Traditionally, the accompanying music has been Indian classical music, based on ragas (melodic patterns) and talas (rhythmic patterns) played with saraswati vina, sarangi, flute venu, drum mridanga or tambor tablá, all of them traditional Indian instruments.
There is a history of songs dedicated to the gods in the hymns of Sama vedá (the third Vedá). Bhajans are distinguished from Sanskrit shlokas by their simpler language, usually in vernacular languages) and the deep attraction they exert on the masses. The bhayans are sung in a group (one person is designated leader of the group).
The bhayan has no fixed form: it can be as simple as a mantra or a kirtan or as sophisticated as dhrupad or kriti music, which are based on classical ragas and talas. The name is a cognate of bhakti (religious devotion). It is related to the bhakti movement that spread from southern India to the entire subcontinent during the Mughal era.
The subject of the bhayans are anecdotes and episodes of the scriptures, the teachings of the saints and descriptions of the gods. Related to the bhayan is the dhrupad style, the qawwali of the Sufis, the kirtan songs or the songs in the tradition of Haridas.