CBSE Class 12 Biology Notes & Study Materials & Solutions 2019-20
Key Notes of Biology for Class 12. These notes will provide you overview of the chapters and important points to remember. Help in quick revision before test.
Class 12 Biology notes covered following chapters.
This app is basically designed to cover all the aspects of class 12 biology and present in the simple form so that student can make good notes from this app. It covers the important chapters of Biology-
I. Reproduction - Reproduction in organisms; Sexual reproduction in flowering plants;
Human Reproduction; Reproductive health
II. Genetics and Evolution - Heredity and variation; Molecular Basis of Inheritance; Evolution
III. Biology and Human Welfare - Health and Disease; Improvement in food production; Microbes in human welfare
Iv. Ecology and environment - Ecosystems; Biodiversity and its conservation; Environmental issues
CBSE schools refer NCERT books which are universal in the entire country. So, a student who follows NCERT books will not have problem if he or she shift to another state because the syllabus is same anywhere. This is not the case for other boards.
The books preferred by these boards are easy for some while tough for others. Some have good teachers, lenient examination while some do not have these facilities. It is important how one has progressed in life in spite all of these.
Index (सूची):
★ अध्याय 1: जीवों मैं जनन - Reproduction In Organisms
★ अध्याय 2: पुष्पीय पादपों में लैंगिंक जनन - Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants
★ अध्याय 3: मानव जनन - Human Reproduction
★ अध्याय 4: जनन स्वाथ्यय - Reproduction Health
★ अध्याय 5: वंशागति तथा विविधता के सिद्धांत - Theory Of Inheritance And Variations
★ अध्याय 6: वंशागति का आणविक आधार - Molecular Basis of Inheritance
★ अध्याय 7: विकाश - Evolution
★ अध्याय 8: मानव स्वास्थ और रोग - Human Health And Disease
★ अध्याय 9: खाध उत्पादन में वृद्धि कार्यनीति - Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production
★ अध्याय 10: मानव कल्याण में सूक्ष्मजीव - Microbes In Human Welfare
★ अध्याय 11: जैव प्रोधोगिकी: सिद्धान्त एवं प्रक्रम - Biotechnology: Principles And Processes
★ अध्याय 12: जैव प्रोधोगिकी एवं उसके उपयोग - Biotechnology And Its Application
★ अध्याय 13: जीव और समष्टिया - Organisms And Populations
★ अध्याय 14: पारितंत्र या पारिस्थितिक तंत्र - Ecosystem
★ अध्याय 15: जैव विविधता व संरक्षण - Biodiversity And Conservation
★ अध्याय 16: पर्यावरण के मुद्दे - Environmental Issues
Main Features:
★ This app is in easy Hindi Language.
★ Internet connection needed!
★ Professionally designed, user-friendly and intuitive interface.
★ Clear Font for better readability.
★ Easy to use.
★ Zooming Available
Owner of this application do not have any right on the content and images present in this application because all the content is collected from internet.
This application, developed by LOGICAL CLASSES, is based on the NCERT pattern and helpful for CBSE as well as other state board students. It has a
dual approach to revision and serves as a perfect companion for the students.
This app specially focuses on Biology students who are studying in class 12th. This may also be useful for other senior secondary, NEET - UG, CBSE - AIPMT, AIIMS,
undergraduate (B. Sc. Medical) students and Biology teachers.
This app has 16 chapters which contain short and easy notes as well as exercises. The topics covered in this app are:
1. Reproduction in Organisms
2. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
3. Human Reproduction
4. Reproductive Health
5. Principles of Inheritance and Variation
6. Molecular Basis of Inheritance
7. Evolution
8. Human Health and Disease
9. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
10. Microbes in Human Welfare
11. Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
12. Biotechnology and its Applications
13. Organisms and Populations
14. Ecosystem
15. Biodiversity and Conservation
16. Environmental Issues