Best Livewallpaper with HD Quality now for FREE
-=Free version of Cloud HD=-
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To Set: Home > Wallpaper > Live Wallpaper > Cloud HD > Set
Most beauty special free edition of Cloud HD+
Works on most Android 2.1+ and Honeycomb Tablets 3.0+ also with ICS: Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0+
Weather style, beautiful and simple!
Tested on:
Motorola Atrix
Asus Transformer TF101
Motorola Droid/Milestone 1/2/3
Samsung Galaxy S/2
ZTE Blade
Nexus S
Xperia Play
Tegra 2/THD
But don´t get angry if your device is not on the "test list" it works great for any Android Devices. (2.1+)
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To support us, download our other apps:
* Social Network LWP HD (Full access to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linkdin, and Wordpress)
* Cloud HD LWP FULL (Full version of Cloud HD LiveWallpaper FREE)