Creative ideas diy gardening ways with recycling of used goods.
Before starting to decorate the walls with hanging plants make sure the condition of the wall that will be used as garden land. The walls must have sufficient solar and air exposure. In addition as much as possible the wall does not suffer damage due to damp, this can be overcome by layering the walls with natural stone first.
After that the next step is to prepare the container that you will use to create your own simple minimalist garden vertical. The choice of shapes and materials of ornamental plant pots hanging for vertical gardens can be from used goods such as used bottles, paralon used pipe, used lights etc. While other equipment you need is a rope can rafia, nylon, and carpet for planting media.
All the equipment needed for how to make your own garden vertical hanging gardens or garden vertical simple minimalist garden at home with ornamental plant pots hanging wall of used goods capital has accumulated.
Next is how to make it. For pots that do not have drainage holes, apply holes by drilling at the bottom of the pot. This is an exception for used lights. For pots of paralon, bamboo, or plastic plastic bottles, put them in position and then make a few holes along the paralon cylinder to plant ornamental plants. For used plastic bottles you can also split the bottle into 2 then use 2 parts as your ornamental plant pot.
Then input the plant media into the pot. Note in how to organize or plant ornamental plants such as flowers in hanging pots or vines on the wall give sufficient distance between plants and planting neatly for aesthetics and so as not to fight for nutrition. Finally hang with nylon rope on the wall that becomes the area of your ornamental plant. Decorative reliefs in the form of a minimalist wall garden for vertical gardens add to the aesthetics of your home apart from as a modern urban landscaping solution.
A neat room with fresh and cool atmosphere certainly gives comfort to its inhabitants. A good mood can make you feel at home in your own room. The following ornamental plants are able to clean the indoor air, grow well in water and durable without the need for soil media. No more need to be dirty with soil, fertilizer, shovels and water it every day. Can be placed in the room, living room, bathroom and of course at the office desk.
Why do not we use it for gardening, organizing and compiling well the used items in your yard will definitely beautify the atmosphere? This is the perfect way to personalize your outdoor paradise and add character to your garden! The courtyard of the house is an amazing place, it can be your little magical place to enjoy the time. Creating beautiful and attractive backyards and garden designs or designing good ideas from our imagination and our sense.
Handicraft from plastic bottles - plastic bottles are among the types of used goods that we can certainly use to be handicraft materials. To make it self can be loh, around our environment of course very easy and found many bottles of plastic bottles used beverages of various types of brands. Various bottles of plastic bottles used we collect up to a lot, then later we make a cool crafts.
Okay, let's say you've got lots of plastic bottles. Then what kind of handcrafted kayak can we make only with used bottle bottles that have not been used? Follow this article to complete. On this occasion, I will provide information related ideas that you can make reference to create objects of handicraft from bottles used with economic value and art of course. Surely, this handicraft made with the basic ingredients of plastic bottles used yah.