Learn crochet with our app, you will weave beautiful clothes.
Would you like to continue with the crochet tradition to learn how to knit? with our app it will be easy to weave beautiful scarves, hats and ponchos, even bedspreads to decorate your home. Crochet is one of the most used crafts in various parts of the world. There is talk of the first Andean poncho, there is a Chilean poncho, a Peruvian poncho, a Brazilian poncho. In the Anglo-Saxon countries and in Spain it is traditional to make these magnificent crochet bedspreads with crochet needles. To start these easy crochet crafts we can see the crochet videos of our app, it will be easy to knit scarves and hats. The Spanish grandmothers call it crochet to the craft made with pearl thread, with
This thread was easy to knit tablecloths, dolls hats ... Crochet is always fashionable and you will also save easily by watching our crochet videos. Nothing more pleasant when winter comes to have scarves and hats to combat the cold.
Cheer up! learning crochet is easy with crochet needles while watching television you will make hats, scarves, ponchos with pretty colors. Of course! It will be easy with us