Weather forecast for the main mountainous areas of Spain
The best way to know what time we are going to have on our excursions to the countryside and the mountains, with temperature data and many more of the main mountain ranges in Spain.
With the Weather in the Mountain application you will be able to know the weather forecast in real time and continuously updated.
Weather forecasts for today and the next 3 days.
Meteorological information for days gone by, in this way you will know how the terrain will be on the mountain.
Snow information with alerts on avalanches and snow conditions. These data will be available in the snowy season.
Data offered by the application:
T. (temperature)
S.T. (thermal sensation)
Sky state
Values in the free atmosphere
Snow condition
Possibility of avalanches
Check the weather in the following mountainous areas:
Iberian Aragonese
Iberian Riojana
Peaks of europe
Aragonese Pyrenees
Catalan Pyrenees
Navarrese Pyrenees
Sierra de Gredos
Sierra Nevada
Sierras de Guadarrama and Somosierra
All the data and the constant updating of them, is thanks to the AEMET (State Meteorological Agency).