Enjoy huge anime/manga photo store of Evangelion
Evangelion Wallpaper HD 4K is your best source of Neon Genesis Evangelion Wallpapers, bring with you Asuka Langley Soryu on your smartphone!
Sorted by categories of Neon Genesis Evangelion of your favorite Anime, or find a random wallpaper from Neon Genesis Evangelion!
⭐️ Highest quality photos: Full HD, 2K, and 4K quality
⭐️ Daily updated new photos
⭐️ Sort by newest or random
⭐️ Free, lightweight, fast, and simple
⭐️ Auto feat your screen size
⭐️ Set as home, lock, contact wallpaper
⭐️ Support dark mode
⭐️ Support caching so you can see the photo already loaded without Internet
Compared to other Neon Genesis Evangelion wallpaper apps, this app gives you all the albums of each character: Asuka Langley Soryu, Rei Ayanami, Misato Katsuragi, Kaworu Nagisa, etc
🏛 Disclaimer
This app is not affiliated with, sponsored, or specifically approved by any company. The images contained in this application are only made by Fans and collected from the web. If we violate copyright, please contact us immediately. Thank you!