With eyes beautiful shape wear eyes color changer and big eyes download free!!!
App Eyes Color Changer, Big Eyes beautiful with a chic then shaped eyes life like face contact lenses to change the color eyes stand out as photoelectric immediately have a variety to choose easy to use with a wide selection. Download for free !!!
App shaped eyes change color. With contact lenses that we provide, whether it's contact lenses cat and fancy pattern various shades of big eyes realistic colorful. And can be customized to the eyes. You can adjust the zoom, rotate or delete, and choose a new color also. Easy to use touch it.
Features of use
ღ Selfie photography with the camera big eye.
ღ choose your photo taken on the SD card.
ღ contact lens selection If you like this sticker, which can be rotated up to zoom or deleted.
ღ a beautiful picture frame Cute photo frames It has image
ღ sticker love them more colorful pictures.
ღ adjust the color vintage photo.
ღ can add text by typing or writing your own and is available as a playable character.
ღ Save photo cute on SD card
ღ can share your picture, such as Social Facebook Line Instagram Twitter Whatsapp Wechat Email and so on.
ღ can also tune your picture as Wallpaper right away.
ღ compatible with both phones and tablets.
ღღღ If you have questions Or any comments Leave it in the comments And we will be revamped. The versions for the better. ღღღ