Shows the sun and moon positions along with moon phases and day and night.
Flat Earth Digital Clock App!! shows you where you are and where the sun and moon.
Shows the sun and moon positions along with moon phases and day and night. Watch as the sun makes its daily journey around the face of the earth. You can see where the daylight and nighttime are as well as the position and phase of the moon as the sun slowly laps it every month
Time-Lapse function: Hourly and daily time-lapse speeds. Watch the phases of the moon along with the sun’s position as it travels between the tropics. Watch how the day and night change during the seasons and how they become equal during the two equinoxes.
This app shows a widely accepted map of the DFLat Earth the surrounding ice wall.
This app helps explain and enjoy every movement of the sun and moon over the plane.
Download the Flat Earth: Live Flat Earth App now for FREE. Hope you will Enjoy.