This is Japanese style comic creator.You can create Four-panel comic with foto.
*~ FotoMic - Foto Comic Creator ~*
This app is Japanese style four-panel comic creator.
You can create a comic by your photos and share its comic.
This app design is very user-friendly.
For example,
You can create interesting comics by your pets or children.
【Material Description】
- Balloon : 50 or more
- Stamp : 30 or more
- Onomatopoeia : 90 or more
- Font - 5 or more
【Functional Description】
- panel layout -
You can select the panel layout
- edit photo -
You can add photo to panel
- edit Balloon -
You can add balloon to panel
- edit Stamp -
You can add stamp to panel
- edit Onomatopoeia -
You can add onomatopoeia to panel
- edit Text -
You can add text to panel or balloon
- edit function -
Rotate, Flip, Angle, Size, Color
You can read created comic in app's viewer.
【Material Cooperation】
【About mugmug】
mugmug is Japanese developer