Frequency sound & tone generator with musical note
Frequency Generator is high-quality and user-friendly signals and sound wave generating tool.
Do you love sounds? Want to test your audio instrument speaker sound? what’s the highest frequency you can hear? are there frequencies you can hear in only one ear? Well the answer to all these question is Frequency Sound Generator!
Sound Waves
Frequency sound generator is #1 best choice sound player that lets you generate sine, square, sawtooth and triangle sound waves with a frequency range between 1Hz and 22000Hz. With adjustable frequencies and volume you can generate sound waves of different frequency. Frequency sound wave generator tools lets you save your setting, with ease of use for next time.
• Single frequency
• Multi frequencies
• Musical notes
• Binaural Beats
• Frequency sweep generator
• Noise generator
• Bass/Subwoofers test
• Speaker cleaner
• DTMF tones
• Sound effects generator
What can I use this tone generator for?
Tuning instruments, science experiments, testing audio equipment (how low does my subwoofer go?), testing your hearing (what’s the highest frequency you can hear? are there frequencies you can hear in only one ear?).
Tinnitus frequency matching
If you have pure-tone tinnitus, this online frequency generator can help you determine its frequency. Knowing your tinnitus frequency can enable you to better target masking sounds and frequency discrimination training. When you find a frequency that seems to match your tinnitus, make sure you check frequencies one octave higher and one octave lower, as it is easy to confuse tones that are one octave apart.
Alert !!!
People can’t hear sounds with frequencies 20 Hz and 10,000 Hz very well. If you turn up the volume on your device to compensate, you could expose yourself to harmful sound levels and your speakers to harmful currents. To be safe, note the volume level that allows you to listen to a 1,000 Hz tone without discomfort and do not stray too far above this level, even if you can’t hear much – especially in the high range, where your hearing is the most fragile.