Geometry formula easy learning application and Calculate Area,Volume,Perimeter
Get all the Geometry formulas on one click on your phone.
This app is particularly designed to help students to check out the geometry formulas and easy to remember in mind.
with help of graphics.
The app is particularly designed to consume the least memory and processing capability.
Now, Calculate Area,Perimeter,Volume.
The Geometry formula of following shape:
(A) Circle
(B) Circular Sector
(C) Cylinder
(D) Rectangle
(E) Rectangular Box
(F) Parallelogram
(G) Pythagorean Theorem
(H) Triangle,
( I ) Trapezoid
(J) Right Circular Cone
(K) Square
(L) Kite
(M) Rhombus
(N) Polygon
(O) Triangle In-circle