Good Dot is a future meat.Here You Can Know All recipe About Good Dot.
Good Dot products can replace meat in any recipe. Whether you are making an Indian curry, Chinese stir fry, wrap, or any dish, our “meat” products can be used to replace animal meat in your recipe. You cook the products just like meat but they are ready even faster. Check out our recipe list for ideas.
Good Dot marketed by Rcm Business.
Through a chance encounter, complete strangers on opposite sides of the planet connected – because of a shared mission. Unbeknown to them, these soon to be social entrepreneurs were all searching for a way to decrease suffering by bringing vegetarian meat to the market. A group of animal lovers in Udaipur, India joined forces with an animal activist in America, and Good Dot was born.
Good Dot is an Indian start-up in the rapidly growing industry of plant-based protein products