Play the gossip girl in real life and don't be the last one to know.
*** Free for 100 days ***
Know your friends well? Think again. Everybody knows but they won’t tell.
Gossiphub is the first app that lets you stay up to date with gossips around you.
Live, accessible, and best of all 100% anonymous.
Who did what, who’s with whom, are you being watched? It's all about you, your friends, colleagues and everyone close to you. Don't be the last one to know this time.
What can you do?
Create, follow and respond to gossips and maybe spot who posted it.
More than that:
* Create a gossip, add a picture and blur parts of it, add hashtags, and write a
juicy note
* Edit and change your Alias whenever you want
* Edit and change your Avatar whenever you want
* Edit or delete a Gossip if you are spotted (!)
* Invite your close friends
* Express yourself with stickers
and soon, even hire a detective or win credits to un-blur and reveal the pictures!
Gossiphub …Will you be the last one to know?
Gossiphub respects your privacy and will never reveal your Alias.
Expired Gossips are deleted.