The best compilation of heavy metal music.
Enjoy the best compilation of the greatest hits in the history of heavy metal with the best songs in history that marked the genre, the best guitars and the best singers where the sound of Heavy Metal sounds the most brutal.
Application to find only the top and current and classic hits of heavy metal, hard metal, death metal and much more in your mobile device.
Heavy metal is a way of life that continues to grow and develop until today. Countless bands have contributed new positions and visions that make the legend of this musical genre grow.
In metal there are many subgenres, some very similar and others totally different, so not everyone can easily distinguish them.
Legends of classic heavy metal rock, hard metal, death metal and much more with the top of the best songs that made history in one application.
We offer you the best collection of heavy metal music in a totally free application and subject to a continuous update, to have the latest news. The best of national and international heavy metal, with recognized groups, but also with others who are beginning to monopolize the best critics by the heavy metal experts.
The Heavy Metal is a musical style apt for all type of public. Recent studies affirm that the people with higher intellectual capacities listen Heavy Metal to evade themselves and to unleash their creativity.
There is a wide variety of types within heavy metal, hard metal, death metal with the best rock more powerful to be a different musical style when it comes to sing and play it, as well as the theme of which it is.
A great selection of songs and rock hits from the classics to the present await you to enjoy the top of the heavy metal of the moment.
Download this application and discover the best collection of heavy metal.