app lifestyle companion to track your ( Huawei Health , diet, food & sleep...)
Hua-wei health gives you the professional sports guidance for your sport.
Professional Sports Guidance For Your Health.
Huawei Health Supports:
*With Huawei Wear APP data integration, to provide a complete, unified sports and health services.
*cycling mode, walking, running, heart rate, record running track, with speed and other sports data.
*Support from 5 km to the marathon running training program.
With Huawei You Can:
*Share your sports data with your friends.
*Intelligent motion timeline will tell you the amount of exercise every movement period.
*Exercise target settting.
*Record your sleep time everyday including deep sleep,light sleep and awake times.
*Record your steps,calories,exercise distance and exercise time everyday. And more!
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All Content mentioned here are the property of their respective owners.