Book local professionals for pretty much anything.
When you want at a price you can afford, Kam Kaj finds you a trusted and skilled person to handle your projects by connecting you with local professionals for pretty much any project on your to-do list. Ac Repairs, cleaning services, movers, electrician, plumber, kitchen and bathroom remodeler, home repair help, photographers, tutor, and many more. Get estimates, read reviews, message the Pros and hire from the app.
This is how it works.
- Select service you need.
- We will show you Pro profiles
- Compare Pros profile by looking at their rates and reviews
- Define date and time when you need the service
- Hire them
Featured Services
• Home Improvement: Cleaning, AC repair, plumber, electricians
• Events: Caterers, Videographer, Photographers, Makeup Artists
• Photography: Commercial to Wedding Photographers
• Business: Data Entry, Logo Design, Printing Services
• Design & Web: Engineering to Animation
• Lessons: Math, Accounting, Music, Language tutors
• Crafts: Embroidery, Tailors & more
• Repair & Tech Support: Equipment, Mobile and data recovery