Your ultimate Finish The Lyrics Trivia with over 500 questions.
How good are you with filling in the missing words of Song Lyrics or what words come next in your favorite karaoke song? Test your knowledge with our Karaoke and Lyric Trivia App!
Over 500 well known songs from all genres. Just sing along and fill in the missing words.
Easy to use app! 15 Trivia with 35 questions each!
If you exit a quiz you can always resume where you left off!
You can also switch between the Trivia.
After you are done with a trivia, you can review the answers one by one.
Please note, that internet connection is needed to play.
To make the app as small as possible (super fast download and less space on your device needed) we are hosting all questions for this complete song lyric Trivia on our servers.
This is a FREE ad-supported application.