This Complete Maths Dictionary - offline app is one of the best in play store.
Complete Maths Dictionary app focuses on secondary / high school students, undergraduate students and Mathematics teachers.
With more than 6000 terms in mathematics , it will help students in their preparations.
Looking for the best offline maths dictionary? Here's an offline maths dictionary for you for easy reference. The offline maths dictionary is easy to use and very helpful for maths students. Download the offline maths dictionary and experience it.
If you are mathematics lover, then definitely this app is for you. It would be helpful to students those who study mathematics. This mathematics dictionary app works offline.
Mathematics Dictionary Offline is for Mathematics experts and scholars to look up the definitions and technical terms in a second, Mathematics Dictionary app containing words and their pronunciation, definition and synonyms. Math Dictionary Offline is designed for Mathematics students, helping them in their studies Mathematics terms.
This Dictionary of Mathematics isn’t a simple dictionary that you find in the stationary stores & in your Mathematics textbooks. This Mathematics Dictionary app is written and explained in such a way that anyone can learn Mathematics within a short time of span. Each Mathematics terms are given with the audio voice facility so you can understand the basic word behind the jargon.
Mathematics (from Greek μάθημα máthēma, "knowledge, study, learning") includes the study of such topics as quantity (number theory), structure (algebra), space (geometry), and change (mathematical analysis).
Mathematics is essential in many fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine, finance, and the social sciences. Applied mathematics has led to entirely new mathematical disciplines, such as statistics and game theory. Mathematicians engage in pure mathematics (mathematics for its own sake) without having any application in mind, but practical applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered later
The Dictionary of Mathematics provides free definitions for over 6,000 of even the most technical mathematical terms.
This dictionary covers all commonly encountered terms and concepts from pure and applied mathematics and statistics, such as linear algebra, optimization, nonlinear equations, and differential equations. In addition, there are entries on major mathematicians and topics of more general interest, such as fractals, game theory, and chaos.
Cover almost all maths formulas and we are adding more and more formulas
the largest Mathematics dictionary with over lakhs of Mathematics words. Meaning of words are provided with definition, synonyms and antonyms. Meanings are provided with usage and example sentences to understand proper translation.
=====Main Features=====
- Works offline - no internet connection required.
- Easy search option
- Better Pronunciation with Text to speech
- Over 4500 Mathematics terms for quick reference
- With history
- Bookmark any words for future reference
- Colorful themes
- Change font size
- Meaningful definitions
Learn maths offline using this mathematics dictionary.
Download mathematics dictionary today and learn maths offline.