Practical Dowsing, a no fuss app that will have you dowsing within the hour.
Hello world and welcome to Practical Dowsing, a no frills, no fuss app that will have you dowsing within the hour.
We start by making our rods. These are metal and can be steel, brass or copper wire, the only stipulation is that they have some rigidity.
If you use plastic coated wire, I suggest that you remove the coating from the handle part as these rods seem to work better when in contact with the skin.
The size is not critical, a rod length of around 50 cm is fine.
Once you have made your rods, get to know them and let them get to know you (practice always makes perfect).
Hold the rods almost horizontal at waist level and with a slight downward tilt in order to avoid involontary influence by wrist action.
Relax your mind and ask the questions (you will find that it works just as well if you THINK the questions.