Pregnancy Hospital Bag Checklist for future mum
This application was created to help future mums for packing their hospital bag for labour.
* Three categories of checklist: for mum, for baby, documents
* Each checklist has predefined items which future mum can pack to her hospital bag
* All items in each checklist are possible to delete or edit
* You can add your own new items to each checklist
* There is a progress bar on main activity for visual presentation of how much items you have already packed
* You can always restore each checklist to default one (this operation is not possible to undo)
* Supported languages: polish and english (default)
metadata: hospitalbag, maternitybag, whattopacktohospitalbag, bag, maternity, labour, hospital, checklist, maternitybagchecklist, hospitalbagchecklist, forbaby, formother, formum, pregnancy, bagforlabour, bagformum, bagforbaby, whattopack, pack, baby, mum, mother, hospitalbag, list, hospital bag, what to pack, maternity bag checklist, hospital bag checklist, bag for baby, bag for mum, bag for mother, bag for labour