Make Your Phone Easy To Use With This Application . Try it Now For Free
This nice widget « Quick Fast Settings Pro Widget » makes a quick access to all your device settings and more
Settings is the best and free (ad-supported) app for quick system settings configuration. It has switches for a lot of system settings and a sidebar that is accessible from any app. Settings is optimized for performance and one-hand use. It has beautiful pixel-perfect icons for high definition displays. Download it for free!
This widget make access to :
- 40 shortcuts : Accessibility, Date And Time, Display, Daydream, Nfc, Location,... each shortcut directly leads to parameter settings.
- 16 Toggles (switch) : Wifi, Gps, Bluetooth, Airplane, Autorotate,...
- 3 controls : Brightness, volumes and screen timeout. Each one is a control dialog.
- 1 indicator : A stylish battery indicator to discover,..
- A Screen Flashlight
- A Led Flashlight
Two widget sizes :
- 1x1 Widget : Discreet and practical, it has only a screen icon size but you can all done through a dynamic and stylish menu, one click in widget and the menu is open.
The Widget frame, text and menu button color can be customized.
To keep practicality and aesthetic, each widget can contain a maximum of 7 settings.
- 4x1 Widget : A stylish customizable widget in the same style as power control widget.
To keep practicality and aesthetic, each widget can contain a maximum of 16 settings.
● Features of Settings Easy Way
► Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi can be turned on or off.
► Mobile data
Mobile data can be turned on or off.
► Bluetooth
Bluetooth can be turned on or off.
GPS can be turned on or off.
► Airplane mode
Airplane mode can be turned on or off.
► Ringer(ringtones)
Ring tone can be turned on or off. (sound or silent)
► Vibration settings
vibrate or sound can be turned on or off. (vibration or sound)
► Screen Auto-rotate
Auto-rotate screen or fixed screen can be turned on or off.
► Screen auto brightness
Brightness can be set manually or set the screen brightness automatically.
► Auto sync
Auto sync can be turned on or off.
► Tethering and Mobile hotspot
Tethering and Mobile hotspot can be turned on or off.
► Sync Setting
Easy setting of Sysc setting
► Application Manager
Easy setting of application manager.
► System Setting
Easy access of system setting.