بررسی ها: 101 امتیاز: 8.4
سفارشی سازی، ایجاد، نقش آفرینی
So fun..But gets boring after awhileBut I still have it!Play wild!
I love my cat! And this app is ME LIKEY!
I love this game so much. Its.amazing. download it. ❤❤❤❤
This is lagging for me and it is useless.
Its so fun and stuff but can you add adventure in it? Like online one because i don't adope flash to play online so i play this. Its cool and but doesn't have adventures.
This game is very fun, but I hate it when I level up when I actually don't, but other then that its pretty good, although I wish the animals were more cheaper, and I also wish that there was a mini game that you can race with your current animal you have instead of horses (suggestion)
Im depressed:when i play mini games and finish the games to get sapphires i dont get them plz fix that (user:dukbutsmrt or dumbutsmrt) among us user:dumbutmrt) NOT SMART REEEE
Great game! I ha been playing for years. I found a few bugs i think. When ever i play a minigame it kicks me out saying i was idle. Other then that, its very fun!
I LOVE THE APP,but i dont like how you make the character walk... Its kinda complicated when i started IT WAD CONFUSING maybe you can add a control for it.And also i think its really sad that if you beat 50 levels in games you only get 5 sapphires.I REALLY WANT THE ARTIC WOLFFFFFFFFF!!!and also your game said i had supprises from the classic RJ but i cant use it on silk browser because i need adobe flash.
Great app! Some minor bugs for me (Screen freezing., Lagging out)Username:2w Everyone is allowed to buddy me c: