بررسی ها: 736 امتیاز: 8.1
صلیب متحرک RPG صدای روح
I can't login to the game currently, overall 4 stars
خیلی قشنگ. بازی ترکیبی از فن و رزم.عیبی فعلا ندیدم ازش
After new update on 2/10/2020. Can no longer able to install the game. Whyy??
It's a beautiful beast that I can't get an update for...
a beautiful game from Korean indie studio Hound 13.دیتا از داخل بازی بطور آنلاین دانلود می شود(حدود ۲ گیگ فضا خالی داشته باشین).در هنگام مبارزه، دکمه های مهارت خیلی بهم نزدیکن، ای کاش یکم فاصله داشتن. موقعی هم که حالت مبارزه اُتوماتیک را فعال کردین، از جاخالی زیاد استفاده کنید. در ضمن بازی قابلیت مود داره. قبل از دامپ کشیدن باید کد ریجیستریشن و متادیتا ریجیستریشن را بطور دستی پیدا و دامپ بکشید.
Anybodyknows what that is?
A month in, the game has tried to grow too fast for it's content. The story is mediocre, at best, but the mechanics are good. The characters have very different styles and designs. The weapons vary greatly. Unfortunately, you can only fight the same four basic types of monster in the same level layout so many times. The limitations of auto play add a decent skill component, but the end-game level requirement on the advent event forces users to push through the story quickly, leaving little to do when it ends. The only issue I encountered was the slow loading of the login screen and even slower process of logging in. That can be easily be fixed, but I cannot say the same for needing a whole second story.
Awesome game
Hello can anyone please tell me is the game in cbt or obt? so far i am loving it hope to see more new updates coming on it s way and so on lol