Useful tools for develop in mobile application!! Don't miss it!!
"Super Screen Specs Checker" - SSS Checker is specially designed for the mobile application developers, whether you are a programmer or designer, beginners or senior developer, SSS Checker can provide data and functions for you will use in development,
We provide 5 major functions for you:
1. Display Info Details
- Information of current device's Screen Resolution, Screen Density, screen info which contains scale, height, width, diagonal ... in 3 different unit (pixels, dp and inches) etc.
2. Device & Config Info Details
- Specification of current device, e.g. screen size, font size, Android platform, API level, model, product name ... etc.
3. Devices Info Database
- Provide most popular devices's screen information and specification.
4. PX DP Converter
- Convert between PX and DP unit and is calculating for all available display metrics: XXXHDPI, XXHDPI, XHDPI, HDPI, TVDPI, MDPI and LDPI.
5. PPI / DPI Calculator
- Calculate screen density and DPI (dots per inch) / PPI (pixel per inch) by using Screen Resolution and Diagonal.
This is a very useful development tools for developers !!! Screen rotation and Tablet are supported as well.
tag : screen resolution, screen specs