Do not forget your favorite lyrics, sing them all !!
You will find some of the most famous artists such as Adele, Justin Bieber, Ha-Ask, One Direction, Alejandro Sanz, Nicky Jam, Coldplay, Bruno Mars, Enrique Iglesias, Marc Anthony, Shakira, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Rihanna, ..
And the lyrics of your songs will make you triumph in the parties and karaokes: A natural woman by Adele - Sorry by Justin Bieber - Sorry, Ha-Ash sorry - Amarte a ti by Ricardo Arjona - Eres Mia by Romeo - Drag me down de One Direction - To the first person of Alejandro Sanz - The forgiveness of Nicky Jam - A sky full of stars by Coldplay - When I was your man by Bruno Mars - Heroes by David Bowie - Only you by Pablo Alboran - Dancing by Enrique Iglesias - Living My Life by Marc Anthony - Blank Space by Taylor Swift - Shakira's Anthology - Ricky Martin's Bite - A Life with You by Selena Gomez - Roar by Katy Perry - Rihanna's Diamonds ... These are some of the great collection of Lyrics that you find in this app, also includes karaoke videos that complete the application, so you do not miss anything when you try your songs.
It is a simple app in which you will find the lyrics of the most known songs of the most popular singers. Do not go blank in karaoke or meetings with friends, with this application you can have the lyrics of your favorite songs on your phone or tablet so you do not forget any songs.
The content is updated periodically so you should not worry if you have seen them all, soon you will have more. You'll love this app.
Share the videos you like most with your father, mother, brothers, friends, friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and Google+, help them find the lyrics of your song or send that special person the lyrics of the song you share , Your special song.
Available in several languages, you only have to go to menu languages and choose from the 6 available languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French and Italian.